Camp Jupiter Wiki

The Fifth Cohort of the Twelfth Legion is where the unreferenced and unwanted recruits are sent. "Greeks and geeks," One camper was caught saying. 


As recently as the 1980s the Fifth was accounted the best of the five Cohorts, everybody looked up to them, but that all changed when Michael Varus, a legionary of the Fifth and senior Praetor led them to disaster in Alaska, losing the Legion's eagle and most of their Imperial gold weapons.

Jason Grace had gone a long way towards restoring the Fifth's status by his leadership through the Titan war, but his unexplained disappearance destroyed all their gains. Percy reverses the trend again in The Son of Neptune.

The Heroes of Olympus[]

The Son of Neptune[]

When Percy arrives at camp and was to be placed with a group, Frank stands up for him, but because he hasn't been claimed he isn't allowed until Hazel stands up and agrees to be his representative. Reyna agrees and Percy becomes part of the Fifth Cohort and learns they are the weakest group at camp. Percy helps turn this around during the camps War Games where the Fifth manages to take down the enemy fort almost by themselves.


